Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Rest of the Weekend

Rocking Out!Despite our tiredness from the museum trip, we decided to head over to the Red Cup after church for a little lunch and to help surprise Jade and wish him a happy birthday. Then we joined the group as they headed over ot the Paseo Arts Festival. We had a good time, though Brianna and I were both hot and tired and a little cranky by the time we headed for home. I actually saw a few pieces I would love to have here at home, but the cheapest among them was a $600 painting of Einstein. Too rich for my blood these days, sadly. Brianna latched on to Lizzi as her best friend for the day from the get go, insisting on riding to the festival with her and Chad. We also wished Matt a happy birthday, and probably would have offered birthday salutations to anyone else who wandered by had we thought of it. On the way home, we even stopped by Jill's house and made her day by wishing her one in person.

Sprinkler FunWe decided to spend our Memorial Day at home, doing yard work, then relaxing. I mowed the lawns (with a little help from Brianna, who turned out to be tall enough to push the mower a bit with my guidance). We also pulled the worst of the weeds from the rose bed, and Brianna decorated the porch with her sidewalk chalk. When we finished in the back, I figured the best way for her to cool off was to play in the sprinkler, so I fired it up and let her run wild. We both tried to coax Angel to join her, but the dog isn't really into sprinklers, apparently. I got our new pet door installed so Angel can come and go without letting all the bugs in and all the cold air out, then fired up the grill for hotdogs. We spent some time talking about veterans, in keeping with the holiday, and I told her about my great-uncle, who fought in World War Two and died a little while back in Houston. She had only the vaguest memories of ever meeting him, sadly.

All in all, it was an excellent holiday weekend. I love spending time with my girl and exhausted as I am right now, I can't wait until our first week-long stretch coming up in another week or so. And now that the washing machine is finally done, I can toss my clothes for tomorrow into the dryer and collapse into bed.

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Quick on the Photos

Ok, in the time it takes me between uploading a photo using Flickr uploader and actually going in and getting it's title and tags (and sometimes orientation) adjusted, I'm getting between 4 and 10 views on the image.  Who's doing that?  Who's sitting out there poised when I upload my amateur photography so they can get a glance at it immediately?

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Nice way to start the morning

I got up this morning to discover that RegisterFly thinks I need to renew my doman.  Ordinarily, I would appreciate the reminder.  But since I renewed two weeks ago (I have both a receipt from them and the transaction showing up in my bank to prove it.  Preferring whenever possible to talk to an actual person, I immediately called their 24/7 support, where as expected I spent a goodly time on hold.  What I didn't expect, though, was to get hung up on by the hold system.
I'm back on hold now, hopefully I can actually take care of this before church, rather than having to wait till we get settled back at home later today.


SueToday we made a trip down to the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History in Norman with Scott, Jess, James, Matt, Liz, Chad, and Lizzi.  One of the main purposes of the trip was to see Sue, the largest preserved Tyrannosaurus rex ever discovered.  Brianna and I had a blast, and it was especially fun for me to be able to tell her all the things about dinosaurs my own father told me at her age, as well as embellishing my lessons with more recent research.  I'm pretty sure Brianna believes me that birds really are dinosaurs, albeit smaller ones.  It was amazing to get to see Sue up close and personal, and I've always been really impressed with the exhibits and the "please touch" displays throughout the museum.  The only way to interest kids Brianna's age in the sciences is through hands-on learning, and the best way to cultivate the next generation of paleontologists is to let them handle bones and fossiles.  It was great to see Brianna stroking the snout of the replica of Sue's skull and to show her the serations on her teeth.

Brianna enjoyed the rest of the museum just as much, and really liked having a group of people to tour with.  She spent a lot of time attached to Liz or Jess, and I think it also impressed her to have our very own tour guide in former museum volunteer Matt.  I so cannot wait until I can afford to take her to DC to see all the dinosaurs Dad used to take me to visit at the Smithsonian.

I've posted the first small group of pictures from the expedition already, and will try to get the rest up tomorrow.

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Robot Chickens

Too funny: Apocalypse Pony and Real World Metropolis

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Toiling away for their ape masters

At long last (and less than a week after taking them) I've finally got all of my pictures from last weekend's zoo excursion up on Flickr. Almost all of them are geotagged, and will be included in the ever-growing KML file I created for Google Earth. I'm now just two photo sets behind on my uploads (it'll be three by tomorrow evening, when I have two card's worth of photos from the Sam Noble museum trip.
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