Friday, June 30, 2006

Going boom on Tuesday

So where are people going to go watch things get all blowed up on Tuesday? Brianna will be with me, so I want to find someplace cool to take her to watch fireworks that night. If nothing else materializes, I suppose we'll brave downtown.

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Friday, June 23, 2006

From the "That Ain't Right" File

scathedobsidian's latest entry to the Batshit Series

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

All you Dads out there

Just wanted to wish all my fellow Dads out there a Happy Father's Day.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Internet Revenge FTW

Once again, I'm sort on content, as I've been uberbusy at work.  But here's a link for your entertainment, courtesy Bruce at the office:

How NOT to steal a SideKick

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Monday, June 12, 2006

Sign of the End Times

This is a sign that the end of the world is right around the corner: A musical based on a Adam Sandler movie.

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Friday, June 09, 2006

Sacrificing Principles for Time

Much as I hate to do it, looks like I'm going to have to put something other than nice, pure chunk charcoal in my grill.  I really like the way the chunks burn and, though I may be fooling myself, I think I can taste the difference it's making to the flame-kissed beef.  No chemicals or lighter fluid is present, just carbon.

But I haven't managed to get up to the Super Walmart to get any more, and tonight is probably the only night I'll have time and energy to fire things up out back with Brianna.  Only I probably wouldn't have the time if we fought traffic up to the Super Walmart (only place I can find the stuff nearby) to get my chunks.  So I guess we'll go over to the grocery store closest to my house and grab us some briquets and some beef and see what we can do.

I still won't buy lighter fluid though, on principle.

I'm sorry, Alton, to betray you so :P

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Cute

In lieu of content this morning (busy getting a few things done before I go take my girl fencing) I give you:

Kitten vs. MacBook Pro

Courtesy [info]mrkamimaze

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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Spamming Bastards

Back when Jess got pregnant, she asked me to set up a baby website for them. I was, naturally, quite happy to do so; the best presents, after all, are handmade. It's got some nice features, a photo gallery, a tie to an LJ feed, and it had a guestbook until this morning. Unfortunately, some jackass spammers seem to think the best way to get people to buy viagra over the internet is to post multiple guestbook entries in a freaking baby-themed website. That's just creepy and wrong. Nevermind the fact that the happy couple quite obviously doesn't need that particular medication since they managed to breed.

I miss the old days, back in the early 90s, when the internet was free of suck crap. And utterly empty.

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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Gotta Get This

I think I found the perfect birthday present for Brianna, though I'm not sure I'd be able to wait till her birthday to give it to her:
Hello Kitty Water Cooler
She drinks a lot of water when she's with me, and she's a huge Hello Kitty fan.  How could I go wrong?

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