Dorian Gray continues
I picked up some more embroidery floss today, so I sat down to work on the sewing portion of my edition of The Picture of Dorian Gray. To make things easier, I went ahead and punched the two double rows of holes across the top and bottom of each cover where I intend to run caterpillar stitching (actually, half-hitch millipedes ala evilrooster). Then I unspooled about half a skein of silver-grey floss and got to work. It went much better than I'd expected. Normally when working with that long a thread for sewing, I spend most of my time fighting the tangles that form nearly continuously. I'm also terrible at estimating how much thread I'll need, so imagine my surprise when I got finished and discovered that I had cut exactly the length I needed. When doing a coptic stitch binding, there's a fine line that needs to be walked on how tight to stitch it. Too loose, and the signatures shift around and the book just flops open. Too tight and the develops an annoying concavity. I've managed over time to develop a pretty good feel for how much tension to maintain as I go, so things turned out pretty well. The only real looseness is at the back cover, which is, in my opinion, the hardest part to stitch on. But that will be tightened up fine by the millipedes and glueing the first and last pages of the text block to the insides of the covers.
Now the pictures:
Now the pictures:

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